Millers Crossing is in my top 10 movies of all time. I absolutely love it. So much so, that I still go round asking folks, “What’s the rumpus?” 😁

I think it is not only the Coen’s best movie but also Gabriel Byrne’s. He came close with The Usual Suspects but this is his masterpiece

Albert Finney is also magnificent and it’s between this and Big Fish for his best latter day performance for me

Great analysis J.D. 👍🏼

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Thank you for the kind words!

I am right there with ya. For years this was my favorite Coen bros. film and then it was dethroned by THE BIG LEBOWSKI for a few years but now I think I have swung back to MC.

100% agree re: Byrne. He is so great in this film. I just how the scenes where he's thinking. Thinking! It suits his character perfectly - brooding and always trying to figure out the angles. As you say it just edges out his performance in THE USUAL SUSPECTS.

Finney is great in this. And to think he replaced Trey Wilson TWO days before shooting began! What a pro! I can't imagine anyone else in the role.

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Yeah, as you can imagine, Danny Boy was a song sung to me many times growing up so it’s always been a favourite. Like you say, that scene is magnificent. The way Finney puts down his cigar, slips on his slippers and grabs the gun is just outstanding 😃

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yes! And then the scene ends full circle with Finney taking out the cigar and putting it back in his mouth. Nice touch.

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Oct 1Liked by J.D.

Insightful writing, with one small error: “schmatte” isn’t a racial epithet. It’s Yiddish for “rag.” A “schmatte peddler” sold cheap clothes.

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Oct 2Author

Thanks for this! Good to know.

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Need to rewatch that one

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